Innovative MULTIFERM technology is used for treatment of biodegradable waste using low-potential fermentation heat combined with waste heat of other available technologies on site. In various modes of operation, it provides hygienisation, homogenization, drying and material transformation of biowaste (municipal, food waste, sewage sludge and agricultural waste).
From the engineering design point of view, it is a batch, insulated drum reactor without internal moving parts with a unique ventilation system and hot-air heat exchangers ensuring the maximum utilization of the thermal energy of the fermentation processes for heat treatment, decomposition, transformation or drying of the batch material according to the desired operating mode and output.
Food waste pre-treatment technology for further post-processing by conventional windrow composting
- hygienisation and decomposition in accordance with applicable european legislation
- capacity of 500 t food waste / 1 reactor per year
- without additional heat source
- easily integrated into the existing composting plant
- automatic handling and washing of containers
- odorless - closed ventilation system
- input material composition 1:1 with conventional biowaste
- without internal moving parts - minimal maintenance costs, reliability
- cycle 1-2 days
- minimum area requirements - 40 m2, ie. 0.08 m2 / t of capacity
- economically rational solution (operating costs approx. 5 EUR / t, operating costs including depreciation of equipment (10 years) approx. 25 EUR / t)
Low temperature dewatered sewage sludge or slurry biodryier
- efficient sewage sludge or slurry drying (18-30 % d.m. to approx. 85 %)
- odourless - closed technology
- intensification according to the output performance of an external waste heat source
- usable waste heat including low-potential (cogeneration unit, boiler, solar heating, etc.)
- hygienisation of materials
- automatic operation
- capacity 700 t / reactor and year
- low space requirements (40 m2)
- economical operation - specific operating costs 150 CZK / t, operating costs including depreciation CZK 600 / t
- without internal moving parts - minimal maintenance costs, trouble-free
For further information please contact us here >>
The technology was invented, designed, patented and is produced and supplied by